Gift Aid

The Society was recognised as a charity for tax purposes by the then Inland Revenue in 1990 and in 2016 was registered by the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland. Our Charity Registration Number is NIC104845. Under the Gift Aid scheme it is possible for the Society to claim back from HMRC the amount of basic tax deemed to have been paid on suitable donations (currently giving us an extra 25%). Higher-rate tax payers may claim the difference between the basic tax rate and the higher tax rate through their tax returns.

Gift Aid on Subscriptions

So long as they are earning a professional income members of the Ulster Medical Society are permitted to claim tax relief on their annual subscription to the Society. It is because of this that the Society cannot claim Gift Aid on all subscriptions.

Once a member retires from professional work, however, their entitlement to claim tax relief on their subscription ceases and their entitlement to Gift Aid their subscription to the Society begins.

We would urge all members who have completely retired from professional practice to download and complete a Subscription Gift Aid Declaration. It should be returned to the Membership Secretary.

Gift Aid on Donations

The Society would welcome offers of charitable donations to its funds. Please download a Donation Gift Aid Declaration which contains more information. Once completed it should be returned with your donation to the Honorary Secretary.